Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy (Sage) Mother's Day

A Mother's Day story about two of my favorite women of influence.

From (story attached below if the link doesn't work)

Last year for Mother’s Day my daughter Eleanor, 1.5 at the time (with a little help from her father) gave me a Garmin Forerunner wristwatch, a running gadget that tracks distance, pace and time.

A simple gift, but it meant so much more. Since having Eleanor in October 2008 I began running for the first time in my life. My first race was with her in tow, being pushed in her stroller. As Eleanor has grown in age, I have grown as a runner. To me it represents the strong women I have become as a mother and as a person. Running is hard, it takes dedication and time, and being able to balance life, work, motherhood, nursing and all the challenges that come with being a mother, have all been obstacles I have overcome.

Eleanor, now 2.5 admires my running and racing. She comes to all of my races and cheers me on. It is a great chance for her to see men and women competing against each other, and for her to be exposed to women athletes. She is excited to run her first race (a kid’s mile) coming up this Thanksgiving, shortly after she turns 3. I want her to know that she can accomplish anything she puts her mind to, like I, her mother did when it came to running. The Garmin watch it gadget, but the strength and dedication are tools I can pass down to her for a lifetime of positivity.

--Victoria Baecker